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Luxburg Carolath Foundation 

Luxburg Carolath Charity

We are pleased to introduce you to this noble family that has dedicated their lives to altruistic work in Venezuela. The Luxburg Carolath House is recognized for its unwavering commitment to helping the community, focusing especially on providing support to the church, hospitals and other acts of charity.


For generations, the Luxburg Carolath House has cultivated a tradition of nobility and service to others. Their lineage has been distinguished by their dedication to improving the lives of those who need it most. With a heart full of love and compassion, this family has left a significant mark on the lives of many.

Image by Diego PH
Luxburg Carolath Fundation

The Foundation is the main philanthropic and charitable vehicle of the family of the Counts of Luxburg and Carolath-Beuthen, Prinzlich von Schoenaich-Carolath. The purpose of the foundation is based on the 1940 statute of the original company "Graeflich von Luxburg ́sche, Fuerstlich zu Carolath-Beuthen ́sche und Prinzlich von Schoenaich-Carolath ́sche Dynastie von 1869" founded on June 14, 1940 before the first mercantile registry of the state of Zulia by Dr. Karl Ludwig Count of Luxburg, Prince of Carolath-Beuthen and Prince of Schoenaich-Carolath, advisor to the Minister of War and Navy of the United States of Venezuela, Isaías Medina Angarita.


In addition to its work with the church, the Luxburg Carolath House has extended its helping hand to hospitals. Recognizing the importance of health and wellness, they have provided significant support to medical centers and health care programs in Venezuela. Their contribution has improved the quality of life for many patients and alleviated the suffering of those facing medical difficulties.

Image by Adhy Savala
Image by Nagesh Badu

One of the cornerstones of the Luxburg Carolath House is their commitment to the church. They have been fervent supporters of the faith and have worked tirelessly to preserve and strengthen the church's presence in the community. Through generous donations, project funding and active participation in church events, the family has demonstrated their deep devotion and commitment to their faith.

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Fundación Luxburg Carolath

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